The Snow Maiden

Technical Rider

Please note, this list of technical requests is a guideline. Please do not be discouraged if demands seem too large. Everything is negotiable and we have experience adapting to smaller spaces.

Number of people in the company: 18 (6 actors, 6 dancers, 3 musicians, 1 admin, 1 lighting tech and 1 sound engineer)

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Suggested venue capacity: up to 2,200 seats

Suggested Personnel (Provided by venue)

Technical Requirements

All changes to this rider must be approved by the company.



Soft Goods

Dressing Rooms and Areas




Tea, coffee, water, soda and Red Bull


Paper and Mylar confetti are used on stage. Paper confetti that is used in the house. It is easy to clean and we can provide 2 powerful vacuum cleaners and assist in cleaning as well.

Travel and Hotel Accommodations